Deep Inside (হার্ডকভার)
Deep Inside (হার্ডকভার)
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There is yet another endeavour and venture to compose a poetry collection, by M Azizur Rahman, named Deep Inside. 
Readers of all ages are intended to be acquainted with a novel style and form of poetry through the poet's verses. The poems' are going to expose the readers to novel aspects of human existence and the current state of community. The poems' themes are not identical with the concepts of conventional poetry; rather, they are pragmatic and stimulating. Thus, the readers will pick up novel concepts and notions. Without a doubt, Deep Inside will flood the readers with an immeasurable sense of delight and guide them in discovering a more meaningful existence.

Title : Deep Inside
Author : এম আজিজুর রহমান
Publisher : ওয়ার্ডস অ্যান্ড পেইজেস
ISBN : 9789849961482
Edition : 1st Published, 2025
Country : Bangladesh
Language : English

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